Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Ever wondered what your hair can say about your health? 

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is one of functional tests I offer in nutrition consults when appropriate. 

HTMA tests essential nutritional minerals (calcium, mag, copper etc) and toxic elements (mercury, aluminium, lead etc). 

The insights gained from hair analysis differs to blood tests. Blood shows us a snapshot of what is happening in the blood at that particular moment, whereas our hair tissue stores a permanent record of mineral status over a period of time. 

Blood must maintain homeostasis because of its function of delivering nutrients to the vital organs. If blood pH changes dramatically it can affect organ health. Therefore is is consistently bringing minerals and nutrients in and out according to its needs at any given moment- it is a 2-way street. 


If you have a blood test on an empty stomach, and have another blood test later on that day after eating or exercise, you can have 2 dramatically different results. This is because the blood is highly/ quickly affected by what we eat and do, making it one of the last places to show a mineral deficiency. 

In contrast, hair is a one way street. Hair is keratinised (crystallised) therefore, records the mineral status of our tissues over time. It provides insights on what has been happening in the body at a tissue level without being affected by the fluctuations in mineral status as our blood is. 

Hair will also show a more accurate reading of toxic elements than blood, as the blood is less likely to be transporting toxins to protect the vital organs. 

The mineral imbalances which can show up on an HTMA provide us with valuable insights into health conditions sometimes before symptoms begin to show. It can provide us insight into 

  • Mineral deficiency or excess

  • Metabolic type/ oxidation rate

  • Adrenal function

  • Thyroid over/under activity

  • Immunity

  • Hormones

  • Blood sugar regulation

  • Mental health

  • Digestive conditions

  • Toxic burden and associated conditions

  • And more

The test is safe, non invasive and reasonable for the value of information provided. 

Dyed hair can’t be tested, so now is your chance before the hairdressers reopen post lockdown 

If this interests you, you can book a Nutrition consultation through my website, or send me a DM for more info xx