5 Sleep Reminders


Sleep is one of the most underrated , yet most important facets of our health. When we don’t get enough sleep, everything else seems to be a bit off.

Let’s get our sleep basics right!

Here’s 5 reminders to improve the quality of your sleep:

- Be regular. It’s unrealistic to expect that sleep will just happen if you go to bed. Your mind/ body need time to wind down, which is best achieved when we consistently wake up and go to bed at the same time (even on weekends). I suggest having a “sleep alarm” approx 90min before bedtime to start winding down.

- Sweat. Sitting down all day can leave you with too much energy stores. Esp if you’re now WFH, your incidental exercise(eg. making your way to work, stepping out for lunch, walking over to your colleagues desk) may have all but disappeared. Schedule movement every single day.

- Watch how much and when you’re consuming caffeine. Feelings of languishing or monotony in lockdown might have you reaching for some extra stimulation in the form of caffeine. Get real with how much you’re consuming and when.

- Get off your phone! Easier said than done, I’m guilty myself. Ideally we’d get off our phones when our wind down alarm goes off, but if you must, reduce anxiety driving content, and pleaaaase get some high quality blue blockers

- Cool down. Our core body temperature needs to drop in order to fall asleep with ease. Take a hot shower about 90min before bed. I’ll explain this further next week!

Share with a friend who needs to catch some Zzz’s!